Filemaker Server 16

May 11, 2017 With FileMaker 16, the server machine is labeled as Worker 1 in your admin console. A two-machine deployment will show two worker machines, the first one being from the main server machine. As the screenshot shows, there is no option to remove Worker 1, as it is part of the main server deployment. In FileMaker Server 16, under Web Publishing, you will find a brand-new entry called FileMaker Data API. FileMaker Data API under Web Publishing. Its description explains that web services can use it to access FileMaker data. The truth is – it’s even better than that. It’s open to any kind of integration, not just web services.

About the FileMaker Data API



How a FileMaker Data API call is processed

Web publishing alternatives

Prepare databases for FileMaker Data API access

Determine the data to access

Protect your hosted solutions

Enable FileMaker Data API access

Write FileMaker Data API calls

FileMaker Data API features

FileMaker Data API reference information

Data format notes

REST API call components

Calls that connect to or disconnect from a database

Calls that work with records

Call that performs find requests

Call that sets global field values

Error responses

Filemaker Server 16 Java

Host, test, and monitor FileMaker Data API solutions

Host a FileMaker Data API solution

Test a FileMaker Data API solution

Monitor FileMaker Data API solutions

FileMaker Data API integration with Tableau

About integration with Tableau

Filemaker Server 16 Requirements

Requirements for the Tableau Web Data Connector

Prepare to import data into Tableau

Filemaker Server 16 Update

Set up the data connection in Tableau Desktop

Filemaker Server 16 Download

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