Zip Password File

Zipping a file actually reduces the size of the file and thereby makes the transportation of data easier via web. Incorporating a password protection to the ZIP file makes it more secure and reliable if the files you are transporting hold confidential information. So ZIP file is basically a widely used tool which is often utilized for compressing large sized files and documents with ZIP file extension. It is not restricted to scripts and folders alone but can compress software files as well.

  1. Zip Password Files
  2. Zip File Password Cracker Online
  3. Zip Password File
  4. Password File Vista
  5. Zip File Password Remover

This is the reason most of the softwares are available on ZIP file extension. The wide applications of this tool thus needs serious protection otherwise a greater extent of information compressed in a ZIP file can be misused if fallen in wrong hands.

If you already know the password to the archive, it is simple. Actually, you can't remove password protection from an already protected Zip archive with WinZip program. But you can extract archive to a folder, and then add all files to a new Zip archive without password. If you do not know the password, you need to recover it first. I can hijack (intercept) someone else's file (password-protected ZIP file) and I can replace one of the files it contains, with my one (fake, virus) without knowing the password. Replaced file will remain unencrypted, not password-protected inside the ZIP, but other files won't be modified.

Here in this article we would demonstrate few methods to create password protected ZIP file. Keep reading to know the methods in details.

Method #1: To Create Password Protected ZIP file in Windows XP

The ZIP file password protection feature is available on Windows XP, unlike Windows Vista or Windows 7 which do not include the feature. Thus at one point, XP is more convenient to add the password to your ZIP files. Follow the instructions below to know how to add the password to your compressed files:

Step 1. Turn on Windows XP PC, and locate the desired ZIP file from the My Computer or Windows explorer.

Step 2. Double-click the file to open it. Click 'File' button from the menu bar.

Step 3. From the context menu that appears, click on 'Add a Password' option.

Step 4. From the following pop up window, input your password twice for confirmation and then click 'Ok'.

Step 5. If you further wish to disable the password protection, simply go to the 'File' option again, and choose 'Remove Password' (Decryption) from the context menu.

The above mentioned method is only restricted to Windows XP operating system. Thus for windows 7 or later version, you may need to look at from a different angle.

Method 2: Make A Password Protected ZIP File with 7-Zip Utility

Unlike Windows XP, the later versions of Windows do not have the in-built feature to add password to ZIP files, therefore free third party file compression utility would be required. 7-Zip utility is one of those free file compression program that can easily encrypt a file with password at one go. Read the instructions below to add the password.

Step 1. Before you start with the procedure, make sure that you have the utility installed in your computer and choose the program wisely depending upon whether the OS is 32-bit or 64-bit.

Step 2. Now; once you have completed this much, right click on the folder you want to compress into a password protected ZIP file.

Step 3. From the context menu, select '7-Zip' and then select 'Add to archive'.

Step 4. Now; in the 'Add to archive' panel, type a name next to the archive section or prefer to keep its default name.

Step 5. Choose 'zip' as the archive format.

Step 6. Go to the encryption box on the right hand side of the panel, and enter your password in the 'Enter password' box and input it again in the 'Re-enter password' box.

Step 7. After you have done this much, click 'OK' to finish the procedure.

However, sometimes you may forgot your ZIP file password and locked out of your ZIP file, Even so, you can still has the chance to unlock your ZIP password without losing the original data. Just try ZIP password recovery tool.

Method 3: Password Protect Your ZIP File with WINRAR

WINRAR is another free utility which can create password protected ZIP files like the 7-Zip. Read below to know the method description.

Step 1.Make sure you have got WINRAR program properly installed in your system.

Step 2.Select the folder you want to password protect and right-click on it.

Step 3.From the sub-menu, click 'Add to archive'.

Step 4. From the following 'Archive name and parameters' operating window, choose the 'General' tab.

Step 5. Keep a name next to the archive section, or you can prefer the default name also. Select 'zip' in the 'Archive format' and then click on 'Set password' button.

Step 6.You have to enter your password twice for confirmation and then click 'OK' and then click 'OK' again.

Once the password is set, you cannot open it unless the right password is entered by the user.

Large size files or softwares cannot be shared without compressing to smaller sizes. Thus most of the confidential data is transferred in the ZIP file extension. Hence such important files need to be password protected otherwise can be exploited. The main issue with password-protected zipped file is that anyone can still open the zipped file and can read the file names that they can easily search on internet and download it. It is true that they won't be able to open the file without entering the password but even if you know the name of the file then they can be easily searched on Google and information can be retrieved easily.

pm / Posted by Vicky Tiffany to Windows 7

This emindsca teaches you how to open a ZIP folder with an unknown password. The only way to do this is to download a programme that can crack the password for you, though the process can take days to complete.

Part 1 Preparing to Remove a Password

1. Recognize the danger. You’ll need to download a programme that can guess the ZIP folder’s password. Before you do this, keep in mind that it has the potential to infect your computer with a virus. Before proceeding, review safe browsing practises and instal antivirus software.

The majority of free trial versions can only crack short passwords. If a programme that isn’t listed here offers unlimited cracking for free, don’t download it because it could be malware.

2. This procedure is likely to take a long time. Most password-cracking programmes will take several hours to guess even the most simple passwords; realistically, this process will take several days to complete.

There is no way to guess the password in a matter of minutes. Any service that claims to do so is almost certainly malware.

3. Turn off all background programmes. Close any processing-heavy programmes, such as Photoshop, video games, audio and video players, and so on, because you’ll need as much of your computer’s processor speed as possible.

Even if you use your computer’s maximum processing speed to crack the ZIP folder’s password, the process can take days.

4. Create a ZIP folder on your desktop. Because your computer’s desktop is the most easily accessible location, drag the ZIP folder there before attempting to crack its password.

Zip Password File

You can also copy-and-paste the ZIP folder by selecting the folder, pressing Ctrl+C (Windows) or ⌘ Command+C (Mac), going to the desktop, and pressing Ctrl+V or ⌘ Command+V.

If the ZIP folder is on a mobile item such as a smartphone or a tablet, transfer the folder onto a computer before proceeding.

Part 2 Using John the Ripper

1. Learn how to use this method. John the Ripper is a free, command-line-based programme for cracking passwords. Unfortunately, despite being free, it can be difficult to instal and use.

2. Get John the Ripper now. Go to for more information. in your computer’s web browser, then click the John the Ripper 1.8.0-jumbo-1 (Windows binaries, ZIP, 34 MB) link near the bottom of the page in the “community enhanced version” section.

3. Take out John the Ripper. Double-click the downloaded ZIP folder, then select the Extract tab, then select Extract all, then select Extract, and wait for the window to appear.

4. Set up John the Ripper. John the Ripper cannot be installed like other programmes, but it can be installed to your desktop by moving its folder there and renaming it “john”:


In the extracted window which opens, click the “john180j1w” folder.

Press Ctrl+C

Open your desktop, then press Ctrl+V.

Right-click the folder, then click Rename

Type in john and press ↵ Enter.

Zip Password Files

5. Place your ZIP folder in the John the Ripper “run” folder. Copy the folder by clicking it and pressing Ctrl+C, then open the “john” folder, open the “run” folder, click a blank space, and press Ctrl+V.

6. Open Command Prompt. This is your computer’s command line program:

Click Start

Type in command prompt

Click Command Prompt at the top of the Start window.

7. Change the directory to John the Ripper’s “run” folder. Type in cd desktop/john/run and press ↵ Enter.

8. Enter the “run” command. Type in zip2john.exe > name.hash (making sure to replace “name” with the name of your ZIP folder) and press ↵ Enter.

Zip Password File

For a ZIP folder named “hello”, for example, you’d type zip2john.exe > hello.hash here.

9. Define the ZIP folder’s hash. Type in name.hash (where “name” is the name of your hash file) and press ↵ Enter. At this point, you’re ready to begin cracking the password.

10. Begin cracking the password. Type in john.exe –pot=name.pot –wordlist=john/run/password.lst name.hash and press ↵ Enter. John the Ripper will begin comparing your ZIP folder’s password to its database of passwords.

You’ll need to replace “name” in both “name.pot” and “name.hash” with your ZIP folder’s name.

The “password.lst” file contains a list of passwords and their permutations.

11. Prompt the cracked password to display. Once the password has been determined, you’ll see “Session complete” appear at the bottom of Command Prompt. At this point, you can type in type name.pot (again, substitute your folder’s name for “name”) and press ↵ Enter to view the password for the ZIP folder.

Part 3 Using Paid Software

Zip File Password Cracker Online

1. Recognize how this works. Most professional password-cracking software will crack a file’s password if it is less than a certain number of characters long. However, in order to crack most files, you must first purchase the programme.

Zip Password File

The advantage of using these programmes is that they are usually simple to use.

Password File Vista

2. Understand what to look for. Your chosen password cracker should have a free trial period and be able to use brute-force password techniques.

3. Install a professional password cracker that you have downloaded. Although you will eventually need to purchase the software, the following options are recommended: Advanced Archive Password Recovery

Zip password file opener

Zip Password Recovery Professional — 4-75031119.html

ZipKey is available at

4. Get out your password cracker. After you’ve installed your password cracker, launch it by double-clicking or clicking on its programme icon.

5. Choose the password-protected ZIP folder. In most cases, you’ll do this by clicking Browse, Open, or Add in the programme, then selecting the ZIP folder to crack and clicking Open or Choose.

Zip Password File

Some password crackers may allow you to drag the ZIP folder into the program’s window by clicking and dragging it.

6. Select a password-guessing method. In most cases, you’ll want to choose Brute force, but you might be able to choose Dictionary (or something similar) to check a list of words similar to the one you entered.

The Dictionary method is best used when you either know a portion of the password or know the phrase that you used (but not the capitalization or characters).

7. Begin by cracking the ZIP password. Then, in your application, press the Start or Run button and wait for the password to be cracked. As previously stated, this procedure could take several days to complete.

8. Take a look at the cracked ZIP password. When the password has been cracked, the programme should notify you. The cracked password can then be used to open the ZIP folder.

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Zip File Password Remover

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