Because Bloomberg contains an enormous amount of information, it can be challenging and a bit overwhelming in the beginning. Take advantage of the following tools to help you quickly master the initial learning curve.
Bloomberg Professional service (the terminal) is the most powerful, flexible platform for financial professionals who need real-time data, news, analytics. Bloomberg Professional service (the terminal) is the most powerful, flexible platform for financial professionals who need real-time data, news, analytics.
Use the <HELP> Function
Press the green HELP key once to describe the function you are using. Press it twice to chat in real-time with a Bloomberg customer representative.
Use Bloomberg's Cheat Sheets
Cheat Sheets, like the ones linked on the right, list the common functions to help you navigate the terminal. Type <BPS> for the full cheat sheet directory.
Visit Bloomberg University
Type <BU> and access training videos and informational papers. Sign up on the terminal and access <BESS> Bloomberg Essentials Online Training webinars at your desktop or participate in live training at the regional Bloomberg office on K St, where everyone in the seminar gets their own terminal to practice on.
Seamlessly Link to Excel
Download data into spreadsheets to make analysis easier. You can build your own or use one of Bloomberg's templates, then set it to automatically update your data each time you open it.
Bloomberg Terminal Login
Need More Training?
The library regularly offers in-person classes with our Bloomberg trainers and Bloomberg Market Specialists for DOC staff. To request one-on-one training from either a librarian or our Bloomberg trainer, please fill out a training request.