Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel

  1. Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel 2016 Mac
  2. Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Embedded Excel 2010
  3. Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel 2010
  4. Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel
  5. Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel Mac


Today through this post I will share some best fixes to resolve Excel Cannot use object linking and embedding error.

  1. Might be it is not abel to open the Source application. First open word & Acrobat reader and try to click on excel objects. Now objects will open surely.
  2. If Excel cannot start the 'source application', that means that it cannot start Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. This also means that none of the permissions or security settings inside the PDF file have been even looked at, so whatever is wrong is something that's inside Excel, and not inside the PDF file.

Not only this, you will also get detailed information on this Excel object linking and embedding feature.

I used the InsertObjectFrom File method and installed with the 'display as icon' choice. I get the icon and test it. It opens PowerPoint and the presentation perfectly multiple times. When I save the workbook and re-enter it, I get a 'cannot start source application' message on all of the icons. I don't get that with Word objects embedded in.

This specific Excelcannot use object linking and embedding error is quiet popular among Excel user.

You can check one such user complain about this cannot use object linking and embedding error.

Users Query:


We are using Excel export as pdf functionality and have the following DCOM configuration

1.start->run and type ‘DCOMCNFG’

2: Open ‘DCOM Config’ and locate ‘Microsoft Excel Application’

3: Set its identity to ‘This User’ and give specific service user

On opening Excel we are getting “cannot use object linking and embedding error” and the Microsoft suggestions tells to change to launching user which is not an option for us,Is there any other suggestion to fix this issue by keeping Dcom configuration with’This User’

Thanks in advance


How To Fix Excel Cannot Use Object Linking And Embedding Error?

Method 1 : Embed Object Within The Worksheet

1. On your Excel worksheet, make a tap to the cell in which you want to insert your object.

2. From the Excel Insert tab, get into the Text group and click the Object.

3. Within this opened dialog box of Object, you have to click on the Create from File

4. Hit the Browse option and after that choose the file which you need to insert.

5. Instead of showing the complete content of the file, you can place the icon in your spreadsheet. For this, you have to choose the checkbox of Display as icon.

6. If this checkbox left unselected then Excel will show the 1st page of your embedded file.

7. Whether you choose icon form or the text form for your embedded file display; in both conditions you have to make double click to open the file.

8. At last click on to OK option to insert the embedded object successfully.

Note: After adding the icon or file, as per your need you can easily drag-drop your embedded object anywhere on your Excel worksheet. You can also resize your icon or file size.

To recover damaged Excel objects, we recommend this tool:

Cannot start the source application for this object excel adobe

This software will prevent Excel workbook data such as BI data, financial reports & other analytical information from corruption and data loss. With this software you can rebuild corrupt Excel files and restore every single visual representation & dataset to its original, intact state in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Excel File Repair Tool rated Excellent by Softpedia, Softonic & CNET.
  2. Select the corrupt Excel file (XLS, XLSX) & click Repair to initiate the repair process.
  3. Preview the repaired files and click Save File to save the files at desired location.

Method 2: Insert A link To A file

If in case you just want to insert a link to your object instead of completely embedding it.

You can easily do this if your Excel spreadsheet and object which you want to add both saved on the shared network drive or SharePoint site or onto some similar location.

Note: if in case you shift your linked file to some other location then your link won’t work.

  • On your Excel worksheet, make a tap to the cell in which you want to insert your object.
  • From the Excel Insert tab, get into the Text group and click the Object.
  • Within this opened dialog box of Object, you have to click on the Create from File.
  • Hit the Browse option and after that choose the file which you need to insert.
  • Now make a tap on the Link to file check-box.
  • After that click the OK button.

Method 3: Fix Can’t Use Object Linking And Embedding In Excel For Mac

To work around this Cannot Use Object Linking and Embedding error in Excel for Mac, just follow the below steps:

  1. At first, exit from all the opened MS Office applications.
  2. Now in Mac system “Finder”, search for the below mentioned location:

Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel 2016 Mac

Users/<username>/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office

  1. Choose any one of the following folders, which you have:



  1. Now from the File menu, tap option the Move to Trash option.
  2. After completing all this close the Finder window.

FAQ Related To Excel Object Linking And Embedding :

What Do You Mean By Object Linking And Embedding In Excel

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is the method mainly used for inserting data from one application program into other.

Let’s know about this process more clearly with some example:

Suppose you have created an Excel spreadsheet and put it in the word document. If you apply OLE, so whenever the data of Excel worksheet gets updated, you will notice that your word version also gets updated by itself.

In this case, if want that your data won’t get updated then the process is known as embedding.

But if you want that your data will automatically get updated then the process is called linking.

Both these embedding and linking methods are almost alike in their function. You are free to add different objects like files, audio files, images, by linking or embedding in an Excel spreadsheet, Word document, HTML document, etc.

What’s The Difference Between Linked And Embedded Object

The main difference between embed object and linked object is that data is in the location where it’s data stored and how to update data after placing it on other applications.

Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Embedded Excel 2010

Either you put a link to an object or just copy an object in your document. In this way, you can easily insert any object from an application program that supports OLE.

Suppose, you have created a monthly report which contains information distinctly maintained in the Excel worksheet.

If the link is created between the report and the worksheet, then you will see that report data will get updated every time the source file gets updated.

If in the report you have embedded the worksheet then your report will contain one static copy of your data.

  1. Embedded object
  2. Linked object
  3. Source file

Linked objects

When you link an object, its information can easily get updated if any modification done in the source file.

Linked data get saved in the source file whereas the destination file only keeps the source file location. The destination file also shows the representation of your linked data. If you are concerned more about your increasing file size then a liked object is the best to minimize it.

Linking is very essential also when any user wants to comprise information that is maintained individually. Like data collected from different departments but you want to keep it updated in the document.

Embedded objects

When an Excel object is embedded, information present in the other application like MS word won’t be changed even if you make modifications in the main source Excel file.


At that time embedded object becomes part of your word file. Once the object is inserted into the destination application, it doesn’t have any connection with the source file. This is because the information is completely stored in your destination application.

The embedding method is too good to use when any user doesn’t want to show the data changes in their source file.


Sum Up:

Now that you know how to fix cannot use object linking and embedding error in Excel, you don’t need to deal with this.

Whether this issue is encountered in your Excel Windows or Excel Mac PC you can easily fix it off.

Besides this, if you are stuck into some other Excel errors or issues then ask your queries in your comment section.

So good luck with the post…………..!


Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel 2010

Margret Arthur is an entrepreneur & content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and expertise on MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in easy to understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.

Cannot start the source application for this object excel 2010

Excel 2k3 - cannot start source application for this object.

Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel

Excel 2k3 - cannot start source application for this object.

I have a user who has several spreadsheets with embedded jpegs. When trying to open the jpegs he gets the following message:

Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel Mac


Cannot start the source application for this object

I assumed this to be a file association issue at first but file association for jpeg files is fine. He has no issues opening the jpeg direct from source but not from within the spreadsheet.
Have tried running Excel under the local admin profile but still the same message so not a profile issue. Other users are able to open the embedded jpegs from these sheets.
For the record the spreadsheets reside on a network share and the embedded jpegs are in a separate folder on the same share.
Any pointers would be greatly answer leading to a fix may well carry a knighthood.

I used to have a handle on life... but it broke. Cpt. Red Bull