The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access,, 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785)864-6414, 711 TTY.
Purchase Colectica for Excel Professional Subscription - Billed Annually. Order Total $ Customer Information.
Colectica for Excel. Document your Excel Workbook. Add Detailed Information about each Column. Add Additional Fields to your Documentation. Create a Code List for a Column. Reuse a Code List. Validate Metadata Quality. Publish Documentation. Colectica is a suite of modern metadata management software that is used to document statistical datasets, public opinion and survey research methodologies, and data collection. This demonstration will introduce the new Colectica for Microsoft Excel software, a free tool to document statistical data using open standards.
Colectica For Excel Download
Colectica For Excel Download
Colectica for Excel has been Released, a New Free Tool to Add Standardized Open Data Documentation to Spreadsheets. Colectica for Excel is a new free Excel Addin that describes data files, variables, and code lists directly within the Microsoft Excel application using open standards. Colectica for Excel - vNext 13 Available now with Colectica 4.1 Allow importing already existing code lists and variable descriptions Colectica for Excel SDK to allow programmatic generation of documented spreadsheets.