None of the Rock Band games have been released for PC, however, and intercompatibility is generally bad. Try Frets on Fire for a free and open source Guitar Hero-style game which works with all the console instruments. For full details, drivers, and the like, see the Frets on Fire Wiki page on using Guitar Hero and Rock Band controllers. Turn your guitar controller on and hold the sync button (located next to the power LED on Fender Stratocaster controllers and near the D-Pad on Fender Jaguar controllers) This will add the guitar controller as a selectable option on your Bluetooth menu, choose the guitar and pick ‘Pair Device’. Allow your computer to complete the pairing. All Guitar Hero games come with a guitar controller that works both on the console that the game was created for and on the PC. This controller can be used to play any game that has the ability to utilize a USB controller. You can connect your Guitar Hero controller to your PC to extend your control's use to PC games. To use MIDItar Hero correctly, you will need the Max/MSP Runtime, the proper controller drivers, and the MIDItar Hero software. Of course, you’ll need a Guitar Hero or Rock Band instrument to properly use MIDItar Hero, but technically any USB device can be used with the program.
Hello people! I bring good news today! After a bit of time, we managed to sucessfully create a easy way to play FNF using the controller triggers! (Guitar Hero Like).
PS3 Controller driver (To make Windows recognize the PS3 Controller. Not required if using a XBOX360 Controller).
Works in BOTH downloaded version or Newgrounds(WEB) version of the game.
NOT Tested on MODS.
Now follow these steps:
(STEP 1 is only required for PS3 Controller support).
STEP 1 - The first step is to make sure the windows can recognize the PS3 Controller and for that, you'll need the first item (Driver) linked above. Once you downloaded it, extract the files then go:
ScpServer > bin > ScpDriver.exe (Right click and Execute as admin) > Install.

Once it finishes, click on EXIT. (Might be necessary to restart to work but usually not.)
The game recognizes automatically the keys without need to configurate in the downloaded version and NEWGROUNDS(WEB) version of the game:
Triangle > Gives Up during a sound.
Circle > Back.
Cross > Confirm.
Start > Start/Pause.
STEP 2 - Once the driver is properly installed, download the JoytoKey and execute it. After this point you can customize it the way you want.
The way i play it, is:
L1 > Down.
L2 > Left.
R1> Up.
R2 > Right.
But you don't need to use it like this if you don't want to, now how to set the keys to your liking in JoytoKey:
Once you click on a trigger, the corresponding key will glow in yellow, like this:
Guitar Hero Controller Driver Pc Windows 10
Now, left click on the corresponding key that you want to EDIT. It will make you enter the key configuration menu, then in the left corner, pick the highlighted option and set it using the keyboard arrows, like below:
Once you have finished it, Click in 'OK'. Now do the same to set the other arrows and you're done!
Guitar Hero Controller Driver Pc Download
You can save the configuration in the 'File' option.
The JoytoKey needs to be opened to work.
Good game! ^.^/
I'm new and I hope I'm at the right place to post, I've searched for a similar thread but found nothing so I'm sorry if the question has already been asked.
I own Guitar Hero III for PC and was wondering if there was any way to use the guitar for PC (with the USB cable) as a controller for Guitar Hero games (especially Metallica which I own and wasn't realesed on PC) in Dolphin.
I tried to configure it the same way as I would have done it for a XBOX360 controller but somehow I don't manage to do this...