How to Center text vertically in PowerPoint. Right-click the edge of the shape or text box. On the shortcut menu, select Format Shape. In the Format Shape pane, click Size/Layout & Properties. Under Text Box, select the option that you want in the Text direction list In PowerPoint 2013, a task pane opens. Click Text Options and then click the. Jul 17, 2020 How to highlight text in PowerPoint using Word. Cut the desired text out of your slide and paste it into Microsoft Word. Highlight the text in Word, following the instructions given above. On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Normal. In the pane that contains the Outline and Slides tabs, click the Outline tab. Right-click the Outline pane, and then click Show Text Formatting on the shortcut menu. You will then be able to see the changes that you made in the Notes pane on a given slide. Start by selecting some text, then use FormatBorders and ShadingShading and select the color to apply. Then, with the 'highlighted' sample text still selected, click on Format Painter (looks like a paintbrush on the row below the menu and above the ribbon). Click and drag the cursor over text to apply your faux highlighting.
Time Needed :2 minutes
In this guide, you will learn how to bend any text in Microsoft PowerPoint so it looks curved. There are many curved styles you could choose for your presentation. Even better, you don't have to use additional third-party software. Everything you need is already in PowerPoint. Check this out!
- Type any text in the PowerPoint slide.
- Click on the text you want to bend until the selection box appears.
- Go to the Format menu.
- Head to Text Effects > Transform and choose any style from Follow Path or Warp.
- Finally, you bent the text!
- Microsoft PowerPoint
After that, you can change the text background, its color, outline style, and other necessary effects. However, I notice that you can’t change the font size after the bending effect applied. Hence, make sure the text already on the right size before.
Wanna make your PowerPoint text looks even better? Check the previous guide about How to Fill Text with Image in PowerPoint.
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Although PowerPoint does include options to use pictures, SmartArt, charts, sounds, and even video clips, we yet have to see a presentation thathad no text at all. Nothing conveys a message better than text, and even pictures do need captions in the form of text. In PowerPoint, severalslide objects can include text. These include text placeholders,text boxes,shapes, tables,SmartArt, charts, etc. In this tutorial though, weare only exploring selecting and editing text within text placeholders, text boxes, and shapes.
Selecting the Text
PowerPoint provides plenty of ways in which you can edit text, but selection is important since you first need to select any text you want toedit. Note that selecting text is different from selecting the containers that include text:
- If you click the edge of the placeholder, text box, or shape. You select the entire placeholder, text box, or shape, as shown inFigure 1, not just the text it contains. Note that the selected placeholder, text box, or shape is surrounded by a solid linewith selection handles.
Figure 1: Entire Placeholder is selected- If you click within the placeholder, text box, or shape that contains text, and then select the text as per the guidelines in the nextparagraph, the text gets highlighted as shown in Figure 2. This means you selected that text. Note that the placeholder, text box,or shape which contains selected text is surrounded by a dashed line with selection handles.
Figure 2: Text selected within the text placeholder
Here are some guidelines for selecting text in PowerPoint 2013:
- Click anywhere in the text, you end up creating a text insertion cursor, any text you type now will show up after the text insertioncursor. This does not select any text. To select text now:
- Highlight text before or after the text insertion cursor by dragging in the direction you want. This selects the text (refer toFigure 2 above).
- Press Ctrl+A to select all the text.
- Double-click anywhere in the text, you end up selecting the entire word within which you double-clicked.
- Triple-click anywhere in the text, you end up selecting the entire sentence, or bulleted list level within which you triple clicked.
Highlight Text In Ppt 2010
Changing Text
Now, after you have learned how to select the text, follow these basic techniques of changing text on the slide:
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- Open any presentation which has a slide with some text content, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: A slide with plenty of text- Click inside the text placeholder (or a text box, oreven a shape) to select the text you want to edit. We explained selection techniques for text earlier on this page.
- Now, just type the new text to replace the selected text.
- Make sure to save your presentation often.