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Revised: July 13, 2021
I have a new installation of BE2012 on a Windows 2008 R2 Server, that cannot find my IBM LTO-3 tape drive. I can see the SCSI card in the Windows Device Mgr. The tape drive is in a Dell 110T enclosure, but is an IBM unit. The tape drive works fine in an older BE2010 installation. It will select only qualified and updated drivers for all hardware parts all alone. Firmware is already the latest available. Intended to access the top level of ownership. About the Linux tape drive device files. Solved, Device Driver for IBM Ultrium TD3 VOX.
Table of contents | |||||||||||
Product life cycle dates
Type Model | Announced | Available | Marketing Withdrawn | Service Discontinued |
3580-L33 | 2004-11-23 | 2004-12-17 | 2010-11-26 | 2022-12-31 |
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The IBM 3580 TotalStorage Tape Drive is designed to offer highcapacity, performance, and technology designed for the midrange opensystems environment. The 3580 Tape Drive is an external stand-alone orrack-mountable unit and is the entry point for the family of IBM Ultriumtape products. The 3580 Tape Drive provides an excellent migration pathfrom digital linear tape (DLT or SDLT), 1/4-inch, 4mm, or 8mm tapedrives.
Model abstract 3580-L33
The IBM 3580 Ultrium 3 Tape Drive Model L33 incorporates the LinearTape-Open (LTO) IBM TotalStorage Ultrium 3 Tape Drive, which more thandoubles maximum tape drive throughput data rate performance over the LTOgeneration 2 Tape Drive (Ultrium 2), up to 80 MB/sec native data transferrate. In addition, with the use of the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 400GB Data Cartridge the Ultrium 3 Tape Drive doubles the tape cartridgecapacity up to 400 GB native physical capacity (800 GB with 2:1compression). IBM Ultrium 3 Tape Drives can read and write LTO Ultrium 2Data Cartridges and read LTO Ultrium 1 Data Cartridges. The Model L33comes with a SCSI Ultra160 LVD attachment, for connection to a widespectrum of open system servers.
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The IBM TotalStorage 3580 Tape Drive combines IBM tape reliability andperformance at open systems prices. Features of the Ultrium 3 modelinclude:
- Maximum data transfer rate more than doubled, up to 80 MB/sec nativecompared to LTO Ultrium 2
- Cartridge capacity doubled, up to 400 GB native physical capacity percartridge (800 GB with 2:1 compression)
- SCSI Ultra160 LVD attachment
- Enhanced features over Linear Tape-Open (LTO) Ultrium 2 in the dualstage 16 channel head actuator, the independent tape loader and threadermotors, and internal buffer size
- Adheres to LTO specifications
- 19-inch rack mount option
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Ultrium 3 Tape Drive enhancements:
- Dual stage 16 channel head actuator - designed to provide precisionhead alignment to help support higher track density and improved dataintegrity and backwards compatibility with previous LTO generations.
- Independent tape loader and threader motors and positive pinretention - designed to help improve drive reliability.
- Graceful dynamic breaking - designed to maintain tension to helpprevent stretching or breaking the tape and loose tape wraps.
- Larger internal buffer - the internal buffer size has been doubledover the Ultrium 2 to 128 MB.
- Highly integrated electronics using IBM engineered copper technology- designed to provide for a more reliable drive.
The IBM TotalStorage 3580 Tape Drive is an external stand-alone orrack-mountable unit and contains a Linear Tape-Open (LTO) Ultrium 3 tapedrive designed for the heavy demands of backup tape storage. It issupported for Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) attachment toIBM System p and p5, IBM System i and i5, IBM eServerxSeries, HP, Sun, Windows, and Linux servers.
The 3580 Tape Drive Model L33 incorporates third-generation IBM LTOUltrium technology. The 3580 Tape Drive Model L33 offers the followingsignificant improvements over the Ultrium 2 Tape Drive:
- Maximum tape drive throughput data rate performance is more thandoubled, up to 80 MB/sec native data transfer rate. Data tracks are nowwritten 16 at a time. IBM Ultrium 3 Tape Drives can read and write, at 8data tracks at a time, LTO Ultrium 2 Data Cartridges at Ultrium 2 rates,and read LTO Ultrium 1 Data Cartridges at Ultrium 1 rates.
Note: Although the 3580 Tape Drive provides the capability for excellenttape performance, other components of the system may limit the actualperformance achieved. Also, although the compression technology used inthe tape drive can typically double the amount of data that can be storedon the media, the actual degree of compression achieved is highlysensitive to the characteristics of the data being compressed. - The tape cartridge capacity is doubled over the Ultrium 2 DataCartridge up to 400 GB native physical capacity (800 GB with 2:1compression), with the use of the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 400 GBData Cartridge. This is achieved by increasing the linear density, thenumber of tape tracks, and the media length. The tape itself is anadvanced metal particle tape developed to help provide durability andcapacity.
- Ultrium 2 cartridge compatibility - The Ultrium 3 Tape Drive can readand write on Ultrium 2 cartridges.
- SCSI Ultra160 LVD attachment - The Model L33 comes with a SCSIUltra160 LVD attachment, for connection to a wide spectrum of open systemservers. They are supported on AIX, OS/400, i5/OS, Sun Solaris, HP-UX,Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Linux, and other open systems.
- Dual stage 16 channel head actuator - designed to provide precisionhead alignment to help support higher track density and improved dataintegrity
- Independent tape loader and threader motors and positive pinretention - designed to help improve the reliability of loading andunloading a cartridge, and to retain the pin even if tension is dropped.With an independent loader motor coupled with the positive pin retention,the tape threads with a higher level of reliability.
- Adaptive read equalization - automatically compensates for dynamicchanges in readback signal response caused by cartridge interchange andhead wear.
- Dynamic amplitude asymmetry compensation: dynamically optimizesreadback signals for linear readback response from magneto resistive readhead transducers.
- Larger internal data buffer - There is a 128 MB internal data bufferin the Ultrium 3 Tape Drive as compared to a 64 MB internal data bufferin the Ultrium 2 Tape Drive.
- Highly integrated electronics using IBM engineered copper technology- designed to reduce the total number of components in the drive, lowerchip temperatures, and reduce power requirements, helping to provide fora more reliable drive. The generation 3 drive electronics alsoincorporate on-the-fly error correction of soft errors in the memoryarrays in data and control paths.
- Graceful dynamic breaking - In the event of power failure, reelmotors are designed to maintain tension and gradually decelerate insteadof stopping abruptly, helping reduce tape breakage, stretching, or loosetape wraps during a sudden power-down.
Proven IBM LTO Ultrium features enhanced in IBM LTO Ultrium 3 TapeDrive include:
- Servo and track layout technology - There are 704 data tracks inUltrium 3 verses 512 data tracks in Ultrium 2. High bandwidth servosystem features a low-mass servo to help more effectively track servobands and improve data throughput with damaged media in less-than-optimalshock and vibe environments.
- Surface Control Guiding Mechanism - IBM's patented Surface ControlGuiding Mechanism is designed to guide the tape along the tape path inthe IBM 3580 Tape Drive. This method uses the surface of the tape,rather than the edges, to control tape motion. This results in less tapedamage (especially to the edges of the tape) and tape debris, which comesfrom the damaged edges and can accumulate in the head area.
- Magneto Resistive (MR) head design - Use of flat lap head technologyin MR heads for Ultrium 3 helps minimize contact, debris accumulation,and wear on the tape as it moves over the read/write heads.
- Digital speed matching - The Ultrium 3 Tape Drive is designed toperform dynamic speed matching (at one of five speeds, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80MB/sec) to adjust the drive's native data rate as closely as possible tothe net host data rate (after data compressibility has been factoredout). This helps reduce the number of backhitch repositions and improvesthroughput performance. Speed matching on Ultrium 3 ranges from 40 to 80MB/sec versus 17.5 to 35 MB/sec on Ultrium 2.
- Robust drive components optimized for automation environments - Drivedesigned using some of the most robust components available, such as: 1)all metal clutch, 2) steel ball bearings in loader, 3) robust leaderblock design, 4) single circuit card, to help enhance reliability andprolong the life of the drive.
- Power management - The Ultrium 3 Tape Drive power management functionis designed to control the drive electronics to be either completelyturned off or to be in a low-power mode when the circuit functions arenot needed for drive operation.
- Adaptive read equalization - automatically compensates for dynamicchanges in readback signal response caused by cartridge interchange andhead wear.
- Dynamic amplitude asymmetry compensation: dynamically optimizesreadback signals for linear readback response from magneto resistive readhead transducers.
- Separate writing of multiple filemarks - Separate writing of multiplefilemarks is designed to cause any write command of two or more filemarksto cause a separate data set to be written containing all filemarks afterthe first. This feature has two advantages, first it helps improveperformance if a subsequent append overwrites somewhere after the firstfilemark. Second, write of multiple filemarks typically indicates apoint where an append operation might occur after the first of thesefilemarks. This change helps prevent having to rewrite datasetscontaining customer data and the first filemark in cases if such anappend occurs.
- LTO Data Compression (LTO-DC) - The Ultrium 3 uses LTO-DC which is animplementation of a Lempel-Ziv class 1 (LZ-1) data compression algorithm.LTO-DC is an extension of Adaptive Lossless Data Compression (ALDC) andan improvement over previous IBM lossless compression algorithms. IBM'spatented 'Scheme-Swapping' compression is designed to look ahead atincoming data, and determines the most efficient storage method (eitherALDC or pass-thru mode) to help provide optimal data compression andincreased data throughput.
- LTO Cartridge Memory (LTO-CM) - Contained within the LTO Ultrium datacartridge is the LTO-CM, which is a passive, contactless silicon storagedevice that is physically a part of the cartridge. The LTO-CM is used tohold information about that specific cartridge, the media in thecartridge, and the data on the media. The storage capacity of the LTO-CMis 4,096 bytes. Communication between the drive and the LTO-CM is via alow-level RF field transmitted by the drive to the cartridge.
- Statistical Analysis and Reporting System (SARS) - The Ultrium 3 TapeDrive uses SARS to help isolate failures between media and hardware. TheSARS use the cartridge performance history saved in the CM module and thedrive performance history kept in the drive flash EEPROM to helpdetermine the more likely cause of failure. SARS can cause the drive torequest a cleaner tape, to mark the media as degraded, and to indicatethat the hardware has degraded.
With support for IBM LTO Ultrium-format tape data cartridges, the 3580Tape Drive provides an excellent migration path from digital linear tape(DLT or SDLT), 1/4-inch, 4mm, or 8mm tape drives. They can be acost-effective solution for backup, save-and-restore, and archivingfunctions as the entry point for the family of IBM Ultrium tape products.
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Product positioning
As you compare competitive tape solutions, consider:
- Capacity and performance requirements
- Data integrity, reliability, and availability
- Storage usage and application requirements
- Affordability
- Loyalty to legacy or existing tape formats
The IBM TotalStorage 3580 Tape Drive and software applications aredesigned to address these requirements and constitute a functionally richtape storage solution incorporating LTO Ultrium 3 tape drive technology.
The 3580 Tape Drive Model L33 is an excellent choice if you use tapedrives that require larger-capacity or higher-performance tape backup.The 3580 is the answer to growing storage requirements and shrinkingbackup windows and is the entry offering to the family of IBMSystem Storage and TotalStorage Tape products.
The 3580 Tape Drive is an excellent tape storage solution if you usedigital linear tape drives or require high-performance tape backup. Inaddition to reading and writing on IBM LTO Ultrium-format tapecartridges, the 3580 Tape Drive provides an enhanced functionalalternative to DLT/SDLT, 1/4-inch, 4mm, 8mm, or IBM Magstar MP 3570 tapedrives.
For capacity requirements greater than 400 GB (native) andincorporating LTO Ultrium technology, the IBM System Storage TS3100,TS3200, TS3310, or TS3500 Tape Librariesshould be considered.
For mission-critical data protection, optimized for enterprisemulti-mode and host attachment, high-cycle and start/stop intensive tapeapplications, consider the proven IBM System Storage TS1120 TapeDrive or the IBM TotalStorage 3494 Enterprise Tape Library.
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Model summary matrix
Models | Cart Slots | Data Capacity (Native) | Data Capacity (Comp.) | IBM Ultrium Tape Drives | Interface |
L33 | 1 | 400 GB | 800 GB | 1 | LVD |
Customer setup (CSU)
Devices supported
Model conversions
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Technical description
Physical specifications | Hardware requirements |
Operating environment | Software requirements |
Limitations |
The IBM TotalStorage 3580 Tape Drive is an external stand-alone orrack-mountable unit and contains a Linear Tape-Open (LTO) Ultrium 3 TapeDrive. The IBM LTO Ultrium 3 Tape Drive is the third-generation LTOUltrium Tape Drive in the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium family ofproducts. It is supported for Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)attachment to IBM System p and p5, IBM System i and i5, IBMeServer xSeries, HP, Sun, Windows and Linux servers.
Tape drive performance is 80 MB/sec native data transfer rate.
The tape cartridge capacity is up to 400 GB native physical capacity(800 GB with 2:1 compression), with the use of the IBM TotalStorage LTOUltrium 400 GB Data Cartridge. The tape is an advanced metal particletape. IBM Ultrium 3 Tape Drives can read and write LTO Ultrium DataCartridges at Ultrium 2 capacities.
Physical specifications
- Width: 250.00 mm (9.85 in.)
- Depth: 292.00 mm (11.50 in.)
- Height: 120.00 mm (4.75 in.)
- Maximum Weight: 6.45 kg (14.2 lbs.)
For installability and serviceability in non-IBM industry-standardracks, review the installation planning information for anyproduct-specific installation requirements.
Operating environment
- Temperature: 10 to 38 degrees C (50 to 100 degrees F)
- Relative Humidity: 20 to 80 (percent)
- Wet Bulb: 26 degrees C (78.8 degrees F) maximum
- Voltage: 100-240 V ac, 50-60 Hz auto-ranging
- Electrical Power:
- 1.0 amps at 100 V ac, 0.5 amps at 240 V ac
- 0.120 KVA
- Maximum Sound Power Levels: 5.9 bels idle, 6.0 bels operating
- Heat Output: 58 watts (50 calories/hour)
Total LVD SCSI cable length is limited to 25 m (81 ft) usingpoint-to-point interconnection. Total LVD SCSI cable length is 12 m(39 ft) using a multi-drop interconnection. Stub length at each devicemust not exceed 0.1 m (0.33 ft).
Installing more than one 3580 tape drive on a SCSI bus may impact tapedrive or system performance. Intermixing of other SCSI devices on thesame SCSI bus as the 3580 may impact performance of those devices.
Hardware requirements
The 3580 Tape Drive comes with raven black covers. The Model L33 hasan Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential (LVD) interface. Similar toprevious models, the 3580 Tape Drive can be attached to the IBM System iand i5, IBM System p and p5, xSeries,and non-IBM servers, workstations, andpersonal computers that support those interface specifications. Acurrent list of supported open system configurations is available fromthe following Web site:
Select 'LTO Support', then the 'Interoperability Matrix and SoftwareISVs', and view the 'Supported Servers and Operating Systems' for theproduct.
A power cord feature number, if applicable, should also be specified.
A SCSI cable is required for each server connection to a SCSI bus. A2.5 m SCSI cable is shipped with the ship group for each tape drive. ASCSI differential terminator is included with each cable.
Features for specifying SCSI cables available, and their respectivelengths, are:
The following cables are available for Ultra2 SCSI LVD attachment.Cables with a VHDCI connector on one end and an HD68 connector on theother end:
- 5602 - 2.5 meters
- 5604 - 4.5 meters
- 5610 - 10 meters
Refer to the Special Features section of the 3580 TapeDrive Sales Manual for detailed descriptions of these features.
Software requirements
The 3580 Tape Drive is supported on the following operating systems atthe minimum levels indicated:
- OS/400 V5R2, or later
- i5/OS V5R3, or later
- AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, or later
- Sun Solaris 8, 9, 10
- Microsoft Windows 2000 (build 2195, or greater)
- Microsoft Windows 2003 (build 3790, or greater)
- HP-UX 11.0 and HP-UX 11.i. HP-UX 11.23 PI
- Linux distributions: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, SUSE LinuxEnterprise Server 9, Asianux 2.0
For a current list of host software versions and release levels thatsupport the 3580, refer to the following Web site:
Select 'LTO Support', then the 'Interoperability Matrix and SoftwareISVs', and view the 'Supported Servers and Operating Systems' for theproduct.
Tivoli Storage Manager and other compatible software offerings providestorage and tape management software for the 3580. Supporting softwareand applications must be obtained separately from IBM, IBM BusinessPartners, or independent software vendors (ISV). A list of compatiblesoftware is available from your IBM representative or at:
Select 'LTO Support,' then the 'Interoperability Matrix and SoftwareISVs,' and view the 'Supported Storage Management Software' for theproduct.
IBM continues to work together with the ISVs to support the UltriumTape Drive 3580. Individual application vendors should be contacted forspecific information and availability dates.
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The following publications are shipped with the product, asappropriate. Additional copies are available. To order, contact yourIBM representative:
The publications previously listed are also available at the followingWeb site:
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Features - No charge | Feature descriptions |
Features - Chargeable |
Features - No charge
Note: (1) This feature is available on other models.
System Attachment
The following specify codes indicate the type of server to which theIBM Ultrium Tape Drive 3580 is attached.
(#9210) Attached to HP-UX
(#9211) Attached to Sun Solaris System
(#9212) Attached to Windows System
(#9213) Attached to Other Non-IBM System
(#9215) Attached to Linux System
(#9400) Attached to i5/OS and OS/400
(#9600) Attached to IBM AIX
The following attributes apply to the system attachment codes listedabove:
- Feature type: No Charge
- Required feature: No
- Maximum number of features: 99
- Initial order only: No
Power Cords
One of the following power cords must be selected:
(#9800) 2.8 m Power Cord, 125 V, 15 A, U.S./Canada
(#9820) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 16 A, France, Germany, & others
(#9821) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 11 A, Denmark
(#9825) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 13 A, United Kingdom, China, & others
(#9827) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 6-16 A, Israel
(#9828) 2.8 m Power Cord, 255 V, 10 A, Switzerland
(#9829) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 16 A, South Africa
(#9830) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 10 & 16 A, Italy
(#9831) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 10 A, Australia
(#9833) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 15 A, U.S./Canada
(#9834) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 10 A, Uruguay
(#9835) 2.8 m Power Cord, 125V, 10 A, Taiwan
(#9840) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250 V, 10 A, China
(#9841) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250V, 10 A, Taiwan
(#9842) 2.8 m Power Cord, 125V, 12 A, Japan
(#9843) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250V, 12 A, Japan
(No Longer Available as of December 27, 2013)
(#9844) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250V, 12 A, Korea
(#9845) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250V, 10 A, India
(#9846) 2.8 m Power Cord, 125V, 10 A, Brazil
(No Longer Available as of November 26, 2010)
(#9847) 2.8 m Power Cord, 250V, 10 A, Brazil
(#9986) 1.8 m Power Cord, Chicago
(No Longer Available as of November 26, 2010)
The following attributes apply to the power cords listed above:
- Feature type: No Charge
- Required feature: The power cord shipped with the 3580 is determinedby the Country Code. Use the features above if a different power cord isneeded.
- Maximum number of features: One
- Initial order only: Yes
(#9848) Rack to PDU Line Cord
(No Longer Available as of December 29, 2006)
The following additional Rack to PDU Line Cord can be ordered:
- Feature type: No Charge
- Required feature: No
- Maximum number of features: Two
- Initial order only: Plant or Field
Features - Chargeable
Ibm Ultrium Td3 Driver
Note: (1) This feature is available on other models.
Note: The power cord features are used in the country listed and othercountries. Refer to the IBM TotalStorage 3580 Tape Drive Setup,Operator, and Service Guide (GC26-7708) for specific countryavailability or contact your IBM representative.
Feature descriptions
Note: Not all of the following features are available in allcountries. Check with your country representative for specificfeature availability.
SCSI Cables
The following Ultra2 SCSI cables are available as optional featuresfor attaching the Ultrium Tape Drive 3580 to servers and other adapters.A SCSI differential terminator is included with each tape drive.
The following cables are available with a VHDCI connector on one endand an HD68 connector on the other end:
(#5602) 2.5 Meter VHDCI/HD68 SCSI Cable
(No Longer Available as of December 26, 2008)
(#5604) 4.5 Meter VHDCI/HD68 SCSI Cable
(No Longer Available as of April 16, 2016)
(#5610) 10 Meter VHDCI/HD68 SCSI Cable
(No Longer Available as of December 26, 2008)
- Feature type: Chargeable
- Required feature: No
- Maximum number of features: None
- Installation: Plant or Field
(#7003) 19-Inch Rack Mount Kit
This feature provides a metal plate and mounting hardware which can beused to place selected I/O equipment with a 19-inch industry-standardrack.
- Required feature: No
- Maximum: One
- Plant or Field: Yes
Cartridge Features
The following are optional cartridge features for the 3580 Tape DriveModel L33. Features #8002 and #8301 can be ordered only with the initialorder.
One Ultrium Cleaning Cartridge and one Ultrium 400 GB Data Cartridgeare included with each order. Additional data and cleaner cartridges areoptional and need to be ordered, as needed. All media and cleanercartridges are warranted separately from the Ultrium Tape Drive 3580.
(#8002) Ultrium Cleaning Cartridge
(No Longer Available as of November 26, 2010)
This feature provides one cleaning cartridge, used to clean theUltrium Tape Drives.
- Feature type: Chargeable
- Required feature: No
- Maximum number of features: 5
- Initial order only: Yes
(#8301) One Ultrium 400GB Data Cartridge
(No Longer Available as of December 26, 2008)
This feature provides one unlabeled 400 MB data cartridge for use with3580 Tape Drive Model L33.
- Feature type: Chargeable
- Required feature: No.
- Maximum number of features: 5
- Installation: Plant Only
(#8305) Data Cartridge (GEN3) 5-Pack
(No Longer Available as of December 28, 2012)
This feature provides fiveunlabeled 400 MB data cartridge for use with 3580 Model L33.
- Feature type: Chargeable
- Required feature: No.
- Maximum number of features: 3
- Installation: Plant Only
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Customer replacement parts
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Machine elements
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For end users
The IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 400 GB Data Cartridges and the IBMTotalStorage LTO Cleaning Cartridge, for use in the Ultrium 3 Tape Drive,can be purchased from IBM using feature numbers with the initial order.
The part numbers for additional supplies are:
For information about IBM branded media, such as additional IBM LTOUltrium data or cleaning cartridges, call 888-IBM-MEDIA (426-6334) in theU.S. or Canada or refer to the following Web site:
Supplemental media
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(R), (TM), * Trademark or registered trademark of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.
** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or servicemark of others.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and othercountries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
Terms of use
IBM products and services which are announced and availablein your country can be ordered under the applicable standardagreements, terms, conditions, and prices in effect at thetime. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw thisSales Manual at any time without notice. This Sales Manualis provided for your information only. Additional terms ofuse are located at
- Terms of use
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