X3 Albion Prelude Star Wars Mod Ship List

Star Wars X3ap Mod. X3: Albion Prelude (shortened to X3AP), is a space trading and combat simulation video game developed and published by Egosoft. It is the fifth game in their X series. An add-on to 2008’s X3: Terran Conflict, X3: Albion Prelude features new content, functionality and improvements, including additional ships, stations,. Resident Bastard. Just to clarify: You don't have to have SOS, you can just eject from your ship and claim the abandoned ship you found from your space suit. With regards to pirate bases, they tend to get wiped out by the various military patrols, new ones will spawn within 3-4 sectors of the original.

Ship stats (1.7.x) / Ship stats (1.6.2, 1.6.1) / Ship stats (1.6.0) / Ship stats (1.5.2)

Universe map (1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.2) / Universe map LU remap 0.6.1

  • Litcube's Universe Gold UI HUD with the larger font from Pure X HUD with larger font: LU-GoldUI-V1.0.0_with_larger_font.zip - Copy the content of the ZIP file to your X3 folder, NOT into the addon directory.
  • Alternate GUI font: Ubuntu font for X3 - Copy the content of the ZIP file to your X3 folder, NOT into the addon directory (works with all versions and mods for X3!). [Origin], Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3
  • LU uses only 5 of X3:AP's 12 combat soundtracks - the other 7 are used as sector background music. This is quite boring, so I restored all 12 of them - you will hear them mostly. I also added two combat tracks from older X games. Surely you will recognize them, but they are very rare to hear. Extract these 42 MP3 files to your soundtrack folder in your LU directory, NOT into the addon directory: LU Combat Tracks v2
  • Get rid of the Star Wars weapon sound effects for APC, PG and GRC: I don't see any reason to taint the X universe with Star Wars effects, so I replaced these three with sound effects from XRM. Copy the content of this ZIP file directly to your X3 LU directory, NOT into the addon directory.
  • Script to add Goner ships to the OTAS shipyard in Legend's Home - (Use right click, Save as...)
    Copy this script into the addonscripts folder inside your LU install. This will add five additional Goner ships (AP Gunner, Ranger, Spitfyre, Springblossom, Truelight Seeker) to the OTAS shipyard in Legend's Home.

XRM download: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, medium hull pack


Ship stats (english) - Ship stats (german)

Weapon stats (english) - Weapon stats (german)

Missile stats (english) - Missile stats (german)

Universe map (english) - Universe map (german)

CPP - combat performance patch v2

Download: CPP v2 - You may have noticed that huge fleet battles have a bad effect on the game's performance. This patch changes the weapons of XRM to mitigate the performance penalty in huge battles.

XRM for TC: Copy the content of this ZIP file to your XRM directory into the types directory.
XRM for AP: Copy the content of this ZIP file to your XRM directory into the addontypes directory.

Star Wars Mod 1.7.10

Simply delete both of the files.

  • You don't have to start a new game for this patch. In fact, you can enable or disable it any time you want by simply adding or removing the files from the directory and restarting the game.
  • The following lasers are unchanged: all beam weapons and the Mobile Drilling System
  • The following lasers have their fire rate (bullets per minute) reduced to 50%: all flak weapons (Flak Artillery Array, Electro-Magnetic Disruptor Array, Cluster Flak Array, Starburst Shockwave Cannon, Prototype Starburst Shockwave Cannon) as well as the Phased Array Laser Cannon, Plasma Burst Generator, and the Gauss Cannon
    Example: The fire rate of the EMDA is reduced from 120 to 60 rounds per minute.
  • The following lasers have their fire rate (bullets per minute) reduced to 33% and their bullet speed increased by 75%: all other weapons
    Example: The fire rate of the IRE is reduced from 400 to 133 rounds per minute, while the bullet speed is increased from 2000 to 3500 m/s.
  • Completely unchanged for all lasers is: range, shield DPS, hull DPS, energy consumption per second, special abilities, cargo size, ware class, bullet hitbox size, price - so all weapons are basically the same as before.
  • You can see the new weapon stats here: CPP Weapon stats (english)


Data files
Wall file for Litcube's Bounce 1.7: Wall file (english) - Wall file (german)
MARS 5.2x data file: Weapon data file (english) - Weapon data file (german)

X3 Albion Prelude Star Wars Mod Ship List 2019

Game starts
Overview of the player's starting ship on all game starts

Ship stats (english) - Ship stats (german)

Weapon stats (english) - Weapon stats (german)

Missile stats (english) - Missile stats (german)

Ship stats (english) - Ship stats (german)

Weapon stats (english) - Weapon stats (german)

Missile stats (english) - Missile stats (german)

In [url=http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=4647966#4647966]this[/url] post X2-Illuminatus wrote:This thread has been closed due to multiple copyright infringements and violations of our forum rules.
Forum rules wrote:5. Any discussion or links to 'Warez', illegal software or sites with content that is not in line with the law of the host country AND the posting country will not be tolerated. This is not limited to the X game series.
The links have been removed and the topic stays locked, until the owner of the mod provides a cleaned up version.